Centre Hospitalier EPICURA Actief
0842.335.231 - 7331 Saint-Ghislain
Enterprise name
Centre Hospitalier EPICURA
Enterprise number - VAT Number - LEI
0842.335.231 - BE 0842.335.231-
Registered seat's address
Rue Louis Caty(B) 136, 7331 Saint-Ghislain (15 establishments)
- CBE - Crossroads bank for Enterprises 
- NBB - Annual account publications by the National Bank of Belgium 
- State Gazette - Publications by the Belgian State Gazette 
Main Activity
Detailhandel in medische en orthopedische artikelen in gespecialiseerd
Legal Form
Vereniging zonder winstoogmerk
Fiscal year end
Start Date

Financial ratio's of Centre Hospitalier EPICURA

Profit/loss 3.290.217€
Equity 70.569.543€
Turnover 275.072.398€
Employees 2.407

Connections Centre Hospitalier EPICURA

Centre Hospitalier EPICURA Locations

Maatschappelijke zetel

Rue Louis Caty(B) 136, 7331 Saint-Ghislain

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Hornu - Vestigingseenheid

Rue de Mons(H) 63, 7301 Boussu

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Frameries - Vestigingseenheid

Rue de France 2, 7080 Frameries

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Boussu - Vestigingseenheid

Rue François Dorzée(B) 108, 7300 Boussu

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RHMS ASBL - Vestigingseenheid

Rue Louis Caty(B) 136, 7331 Saint-Ghislain

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RHMS ASBL - Vestigingseenheid

Rue d'Ath (Bel) 17, 7970 Beloeil

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RHMS ASBL - Vestigingseenheid

Rue Maria Thomée 1, 7800 Ath

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Polyclinique - Vestigingseenheid

Rue de France 9, 7370 Dour

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