Mandate holders David Masset
Found persons
Name | Organisation |
David MASSET | La journée alimentaire, Seraing |
David MASSET | LJA, Seraing |
David Masset | CHEZ JOSY, Watermaal-Bosvoorde |
David Masset | MILLÉSIMES, Waterloo |
David Masset | MILVI, Waterloo |
David MASSET | THE MANIFEST, Waterloo |
David MASSET | ECOGESO, Ukkel |
David MASSET | THE MANIFEST, Waterloo |
David MASSET | ECOGESO, Ukkel |
David Masset | MILLÉSIMES, Waterloo |
David Masset | MILVI, Waterloo |
Mandates of public mandate holder David Masset
Name | Organisation | Mandate | Renumeration | Start | End |
No data available |