Mandate holders PATINCO bvba BE0441.930.416

Found persons

Name Organisation
PATINCO BVBA BE0441.930.416 HAPATRIM, Harelbeke
PATINCO BVBA BE0441.930.416 AGRO HAECK, Wingene
PATINCO bvba BE0441.930.416 OPSLAG BEDRIJF IZEGEM, Wingene
PATINCO bvba BE0441.930.416 OBI, Wingene
Patinco bvba BE0441.930.416 OLIEFABRIEK LICHTERVELDE, Lichtervelde
Patinco bvba BE 0441.930.416 HATRACO, Wingene
PATINCO BVBA BE0441.930.416 HAPROCO, Wingene
Patinco bvba BE0441.990.416 OILTANK TERMINAL BRUGGE, Lichtervelde
Patinco bvba BE0441.990.416 OTB, Lichtervelde

Mandates of public mandate holder PATINCO bvba BE0441.930.416

Name Organisation Mandate Renumeration Start End
No data available