0426.887.397 - 4000 Liège
People administring SOGEPA
Name | Role / Mandate | Year |
Amaury BERTHOLOME | Regeringscommissaris | 2020, 2019, 2018, 2018 |
André-Marie PONCELET | Ondervoorzitter van de Raad van Bestuur | 2021, 2020, 2019 |
André-Marie PONCELET | Bestuurder | 2018, 2018, 2017 |
Anne PRIGNON | Regeringscommissaris | 2018, 2018, 2017 |
Benoît BAYENET | Persoon | 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2018, 2017 |
Christopher SORTINO | Regeringscommissaris | 2021 |
David DEMONCEAU | Vertegenwoordiger | 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2018, 2017 |
Didier DONFUT | Bestuurder | 2017 |
Emmanuel SERUSIAUX | Bestuurder | 2021, 2020, 2019 |
Géraldine DEMARET | Bestuurder | 2021, 2020, 2019 |
Jean-François ROBE | Persoon | 2021, 2020 |
Jérémy DAGNIES | Regeringscommissaris | 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2018 |
Laurence GLAUTIER | Bestuurder | 2019, 2018, 2018, 2017 |
Laurent LEVAUX | Voorzitter van de Raad van Bestuur | 2021, 2020, 2019 |
Laurent ZECCHINI | Bestuurder | 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2018, 2017 |
Luc VUYLSTEKE | Bestuurder | 2019, 2018, 2018, 2017 |
Marie-Kristine VANBOCKESTAL | Bestuurder | 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2018, 2017 |
Mathieu PERIN | Regeringscommissaris | 2018, 2018, 2017 |
Nicolas PIRE | Regeringscommissaris | 2021, 2020 |
Olivier GUTT | Persoon | 2017 |
Paul COMHAIRE | Vertegenwoordiger | 2020, 2019, 2018, 2018, 2017 |
Philippe BUELEN | Persoon | 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2018, 2017 |
Renaud DEGUELDRE | Bestuurder | 2019, 2018, 2018, 2017 |
Renaud WITMEUR | Persoon | 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2018, 2017 |
Thierry CASTAGNE | Voorzitter van de Raad van Bestuur | 2019, 2018, 2018, 2017 |
Véronique CHARLIER | Bestuurder | 2021, 2020, 2019 |
Vincent URBAIN | Bestuurder | 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2018, 2017 |
Companies administring SOGEPA
Name | Enterprise # | Role | Year |
SAINTENOY, COMHAIRE & Co SPRL | 0450.271.327 | Commissaris | 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2018, 2017 |
Companies that are administered by SOGEPA
Name | Enterprise # | Role | Year |
progest | 0874.625.145 | Bestuurder | 2022,2021 |
DELY WAFELS | 0898.051.041 | Bestuurder | 2021,2021 |
HAPPY PAPER | 0406.946.969 | Bestuurder | 2021,2019,2017,2020,2018 |
ALTEREGO | 0877.729.640 | Bestuurder | 2021,2020 |
JR PEPINIERES RIGAUX SRL | 0480.157.522 | Voorzitter van de Raad van Bestuur | 2021,2022,2021 |
ZALCO | 0701.671.571 | Bestuurder | 2021,2020 |
T.PALM HOLDING | 0543.267.801 | Bestuurder | 2021,2020 |
T. PALM | 0416.451.583 | Bestuurder | 2021,2019,2020 |
GLOBAL METAL VISION | 0634.689.509 | Bestuurder | 2021 |
Les Ateliers de la Meuse | 0422.630.780 | Bestuurder | 2021,2020 |
SERVITEX | 0453.794.605 | Bestuurder | 2021,2019,2020,2019 |
BMI GROUP HOLDING | 0847.319.348 | Bestuurder | 2021 |
FOUNTAIN | 0412.124.393 | Bestuurder | 2021,2020,2018,2019,2017 |
FRANKI | 0402.973.335 | Bestuurder | 2021 |
BELGIAN DIAGNOSTIC COMPANY | 0432.680.178 | Bestuurder | 2021 |
MARTIN'S BRUGGE | 0422.656.912 | Bestuurder | 2021 |
ADVANCED MECHANICAL AND OPTICAL SYSTEMS | 0425.172.378 | Bestuurder | 2021,2020,2018,2019,2017 |
MARTIN'S BRUSSELS | 0443.093.723 | Bestuurder | 2021 |
DE SMET S.A. - ENGINEERS and CONTRACTORS | 0438.987.752 | Bestuurder | 2021 |
Aciéries Somville | 0401.575.545 | Bestuurder | 2021,2019,2018,2017,2020 |
BATIFER | 0467.183.375 | Bestuurder | 2021 |
PLASTURGIE LAZZERINI | 0419.662.679 | Bestuurder | 2020,2018,2017,2019 |
MEBF | 0404.429.919 | Bestuurder | 2020,2021,2018,2017,2019 |
C.P. Bourg | 0400.357.305 | Bestuurder | 2020,2019,2017,2018 |
Delbart | 0401.757.568 | Bestuurder | 2020,2019,2017,2018 |
DELTA REFRIGERATION | 0478.086.967 | Bestuurder | 2020,2017,2021,2019,2018 |
ARJEMO | 0887.233.957 | Bestuurder | 2020,2019,2018,2021,2017 |
DELTA MAINTENANCE | 0471.022.201 | Bestuurder | 2020,2018,2019 |
PROXY GROUP | 0877.794.768 | Bestuurder | 2020,2019,2017,2021,2018 |
DEPRO PROFILES | 0448.668.748 | Bestuurder | 2020,2021 |
KLIEMO | 0421.159.746 | Bestuurder | 2020,2021 |
ANDEL | 0432.489.841 | Bestuurder | 2020,2018,2017,2021,2019 |
SEOS | 0432.257.734 | Bestuurder | 2020,2019,2018 |
DEFIMOS | 0865.913.159 | Bestuurder | 2019,2017,2021,2021,2019 |
Edbimo | 0420.831.134 | Gedelegeerd bestuurder | 2019,2020,2020,2021 |
123 Automation Engineering & Development | 0820.888.531 | Bestuurder | 2019,2020,2021 |
ECOPLAST TECHNOLOGY | 0428.018.438 | Administrateur | 2019,2020,2019 |
L.M.C. LE MONTAGNARD | 0464.336.129 | Bestuurder | 2019 |
DELTA GROUP | 0885.817.262 | Bestuurder | 2019,2018,2020 |
DTO | 0452.126.797 | Bestuurder | 2019,2018,2020 |
Etablissements Biebuyck | 0401.746.284 | Bestuurder | 2019,2017,2018 |
ICARUS GROUP | 0508.780.539 | Bestuurder | 2019,2020,2018,2017,2021 |
T. PALM MANAGEMENT | 0440.671.790 | Bestuurder | 2019,2020,2021 |
HYDRO ECOLO METEO MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS | 0441.808.967 | Bestuurder | 2019,2020,2021 |
DERPATECH | 0543.378.063 | Bestuurder | 2019,2021,2018,2020 |
CELABOR | 0455.511.010 | Bestuurder | 2019,2018,2017 |
PATCH PHARMA | 0459.743.277 | Bestuurder | 2019 |
XYLOWATT | 0474.220.231 | Bestuurder | 2019,2020 |
LONGTAIN TUBES | 0642.579.963 | Bestuurder | 2019,2020,2018,2021,2020 |
SPIE ICS Document Solutions | 0891.633.797 | Bestuurder | 2019,2019,2017 |
SYSTEMAT BELUX | 0644.709.015 | Bestuurder | 2019,2019,2017 |
DAO | 0419.180.550 | Bestuurder | 2018,2020,2019 |
VEWI | 0439.773.254 | Bestuurder | 2018,2019,2021,2020,2017 |
ZENTECH | 0441.634.961 | Bestuurder | 2018,2017,2019,2020,2021 |
EGERNYLUX | 0835.667.668 | Bestuurder | 2018,2017 |
ECOPLAST TECHNOLOGY | 0428.018.438 | Conseiller Administrateur | 2018 |
SEREL INDUSTRIE | 0822.347.093 | Bestuurder | 2018,2019,2017 |
GROUPE DELAUNOIT | 0462.295.268 | Bestuurder | 2018,2017,2018 |
CASTEL DE PONT-A-LESSE | 0866.668.472 | Bestuurder | 2018,2020,2019,2017 |
Azaé – Proxy Services | 0889.114.569 | Bestuurder | 2018,2017,2019,2020 |
Le Circuit de Spa Francorchamps | 0833.629.678 | Bestuurder | 2018,2017,2021 |
JEMCO | 0449.371.207 | Bestuurder | 2018,2017,2021,2020,2019,2017 |
FONDERIE DE COUVIN | 0647.998.206 | Bestuurder | 2018,2019 |
MOREL DISTRIBUTION BELGIQUE | 0892.895.985 | Bestuurder | 2018,2019,2017 |
Fonderies J. Marichal Ketin et Cie | 0403.965.705 | Bestuurder | 2017,2021,2021,2018,2021,2020 |
ECOPLAST TECHNOLOGY | 0428.018.438 | Conseiller - Administrateur | 2017 |
SPA GRAND PRIX | 0884.035.135 | Bestuurder | 2017,2018 |
ACTIF INDUSTRIES INTERNATIONAL | 0451.201.933 | Bestuurder | 2017 |
ICARUS | 0427.223.434 | Bestuurder | 2017,2019,2021,2020,2018 |
IPRATEC | 0475.225.170 | Bestuurder | 2017 |
IP Trade | 0473.113.837 | Bestuurder | 2017 |
SOCIETE IMMOBILIERE D'INVESTISSEMENT EN FORMATION | 0811.128.549 | Administrateur | 2017,2020,2017,2018,2019 |
Decomo | 0417.879.562 | administrateur | 2017 |
SYMBIOSE BIOMATERIALS | 0536.267.072 | Bestuurder | 2017 |
SPACEBEL | 0435.536.532 | Bestuurder | 2017,2019,2017,2019,2019,2019,2018,2018,2020 |
DUFERCO WALLONIE | 0501.691.324 | Bestuurder | 2017 |
ROYAL-SELYS | 0873.668.805 | Bestuurder | 2017,2017,2018,2017 |
Companies holding participations in SOGEPA
Participations in | Value | Amount | % Direct | % Indirect | Type |
No data available |
SOGEPA has participations in
Participations in | Value | Amount | % Direct | % Indirect | Type |
No data available |