Sperto Actief
0846.404.578 - 9220 Hamme (Vl.)

People administring Sperto

Name Role / Mandate Year
Alain Keppens Bestuurder 2020
Alain Keppens Zaakvoerder 2019, 2018, 2017

Companies administring Sperto

Name Enterprise # Role Year

Companies that are administered by Sperto

Name Enterprise # Role Year
CERKO HOLDING 0563.927.217 Bestuurder 2022
FUNICO 0429.032.681 Bestuurder 2021
Down2Earth Partners 0535.891.841 Gedelegeerd bestuurder 2021,2020,2019,2017,2018
European Sheet Metal and Assembly 0699.614.280 Bestuurder 2021,2020
Xplore The North 0628.622.356 Bestuurder 2020,2019
Down2Earth Capital 0536.345.068 Bestuurder 2020,2019,2017,2018,2021
HENGELHOEF CONCRETE JOINTS 0877.977.088 Bestuurder 2020,2021
VK ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS 0686.579.658 Bestuurder 2020,2019,2021
Sustainable Reusable Carriers 0556.903.328 Bestuurder 2019,2017,2018,2020
MOVE INTERMODAL GROUP 0879.712.103 Bestuurder 2019,2021,2020
DPS International 0667.951.502 Bestuurder 2018,2019
Flange Holding 0548.911.320 Bestuurder 2017
Tosca Belgium 0463.321.092 Bestuurder 2017,2018,2019,2020
conTeyor Holding 0825.503.751 Bestuurder 2017,2019,2018

Companies holding participations in Sperto

Participations in Value Amount % Direct % Indirect Type
No data available

Sperto has participations in

Participations in Value Amount % Direct % Indirect Type
No data available