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LOUIS AND MEN publications au Moniteur belge

27/12/2023 Statuts (traduction, coordination, autres modifications, …) - demissions, nominations
08/01/2019 Demissions, nominations
08/11/2013 Demissions, nominations
05/10/2012 Demissions, nominations
15/04/2008 Demissions, nominations
16/11/2007 Demissions, nominations
24/04/2006 Assemblee generale - capital, actions - statuts (traduction, coordination, autres modifications, …)
14/04/2005 Modification forme juridique - siege social - capital, actions - demissions, nominations - statuts (traduction, coordination, autres modifications, …)
26/04/2002 Rubrique constitution (nouvelle personne morale, ouverture succursale, etc...)

LOUIS AND MEN Télécharger comptes annuels en Excel

05/09/2016 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2015, APP 27.06.2016, DPT 28.08.2016 16504-0280-012
28/08/2015 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2014, APP 26.06.2015, DPT 23.08.2015 15462-0276-012
11/09/2014 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2013, APP 27.06.2014, DPT 31.08.2014 14568-0391-012
08/08/2013 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2012, APP 28.06.2013, DPT 02.08.2013 13393-0587-011
12/07/2012 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2011, APP 28.06.2012, DPT 11.07.2012 12272-0493-010
29/07/2011 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2010, APP 30.06.2011, DPT 27.07.2011 11340-0068-013
30/07/2010 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2009, APP 29.06.2010, DPT 26.07.2010 10346-0308-013
13/08/2009 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2008, APP 30.06.2009, DPT 11.08.2009 09561-0129-013
11/07/2008 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2007, APP 30.06.2008, DPT 10.07.2008 08381-0045-010
08/08/2007 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2006, APP 18.06.2007, DPT 06.08.2007 07535-0318-010
30/08/2006 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2005, APP 15.06.2006, DPT 28.08.2006 06692-1226-010
02/08/2005 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2004, APP 02.06.2005, DPT 27.07.2005 05595-0617-010
16/09/2004 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2003, APP 07.06.2004, DPT 10.09.2004 04642-3260-011
13/08/2003 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2002, APP 05.06.2003 03574-3320-010