Handle With Care Actief
0880.796.721 - 5523 Onhaye

Handle With Care staatsblad publicaties

01/06/2023 Statuts (traduction, coordination, autres modifications, …) - modification forme juridique - demissions, nominations
15/07/2019 Demissions, nominations
23/04/2019 Objet - statuts (traduction, coordination, autres modifications, …)
27/02/2019 Siege social
06/10/2008 Siege social - capital, actions - statuts (traduction, coordination, autres modifications, …)
03/11/2006 Capital, actions - assemblee generale - statuts (traduction, coordination, autres modifications, …)
27/04/2006 Rubrique constitution (nouvelle personne morale, ouverture succursale, etc...)

Handle With Care Jaarrekeningen download in Excel

30/06/2016 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2015, APP 17.06.2016, DPT 28.06.2016 16218-0559-014
20/07/2015 ME. - JAARREKENING 31.12.2014, GGK 19.06.2015, NGL 14.07.2015 15293-0102-014
14/07/2014 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2013, APP 20.06.2014, DPT 10.07.2014 14285-0240-014
28/06/2013 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2012, APP 21.06.2013, DPT 27.06.2013 13218-0012-013
19/07/2012 ME. - JAARREKENING 31.12.2011, GGK 30.06.2012, NGL 18.07.2012 12303-0289-013
19/07/2011 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2010, APP 30.06.2011, DPT 15.07.2011 11295-0050-013
20/07/2010 ME. - JAARREKENING 31.12.2009, GGK 30.06.2010, NGL 16.07.2010 10306-0087-013
24/07/2009 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2008, APP 19.06.2009, DPT 23.07.2009 09447-0273-014
08/07/2008 ME. - JAARREKENING 31.12.2007, GGK 20.06.2008, NGL 07.07.2008 08357-0185-015