Sports and rehab Actief
0876.291.268 - 1300 Wavre

Sports and rehab staatsblad publicaties

21/02/2024 Statuts (traduction, coordination, autres modifications, …) - modification forme juridique - denomination - objet - demissions, nominations
28/01/2010 Siege social
28/06/2006 Siege social
05/10/2005 Rubrique constitution (nouvelle personne morale, ouverture succursale, etc...)

Sports and rehab Jaarrekeningen download in Excel

25/08/2016 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2015, APP 07.06.2016, DPT 22.08.2016 16443-0083-014
25/06/2015 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2014, APP 02.06.2015, DPT 23.06.2015 15202-0044-013
28/08/2014 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2013, APP 03.06.2014, DPT 27.08.2014 14471-0231-013
27/08/2013 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2012, APP 04.06.2013, DPT 23.08.2013 13448-0232-013
08/08/2012 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2011, APP 05.06.2012, DPT 07.08.2012 12386-0259-011
02/09/2011 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2010, APP 15.06.2011, DPT 26.08.2011 11480-0314-011
08/09/2010 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2009, APP 06.07.2010, DPT 30.08.2010 10501-0133-011
04/08/2009 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2008, APP 06.07.2009, DPT 29.07.2009 09511-0140-011
09/09/2008 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2007, APP 31.07.2008, DPT 29.08.2008 08711-0033-011
31/10/2007 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2006, APP 30.09.2007, DPT 25.10.2007 07782-0214-011