The Garage Actief
0817.518.176 - 7090 Braine-le-Comte

The Garage staatsblad publicaties

03/04/2024 Demissions, nominations
25/11/2022 Demissions, nominations
26/08/2022 Demissions, nominations
25/01/2019 Siege social - capital, actions
09/06/2015 Siege social - divers
05/08/2009 Rubrique constitution (nouvelle personne morale, ouverture succursale, etc...)

The Garage Jaarrekeningen download in Excel

19/08/2016 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2015, APP 02.06.2016, DPT 16.08.2016 16430-0201-009
07/09/2015 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2014, APP 04.06.2015, DPT 31.08.2015 15560-0056-011
08/09/2014 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2013, APP 05.06.2014, DPT 27.08.2014 14508-0359-009
04/09/2013 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2012, APP 06.06.2013, DPT 28.08.2013 13498-0254-009
03/09/2012 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2011, APP 07.06.2012, DPT 24.08.2012 12459-0263-009
26/08/2011 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2010, APP 03.06.2011, DPT 23.08.2011 11429-0256-009