ACFS Actief
0704.714.403 - 2480 Dessel

People administring ACFS

Name Role / Mandate Year
Andreas Goyvaerts Vertegenwoordiger 2021
James Goyvaerts Vertegenwoordiger 2021, 2020
Rob Willems Vertegenwoordiger 2020, 2020

Companies administring ACFS

Name Enterprise # Role Year
Annes 0879.789.010 Moederonderneming 2020
Annes Comm.V 0879.789.010 Bestuurder 2020
Annes CV 0879.789.010 Bestuurder 2021
Group-PSPM BVBA 0650.572.763 Bestuurder 2020
The Mechanic 0643.834.134 Moederonderneming 2020
The Mechanic BVBA 0643.834.134 Bestuurder 2020
Tigo CV 0679.717.206 Bestuurder 2021

Companies that are administered by ACFS

Name Enterprise # Role Year
No data available

Companies holding participations in ACFS

Participations in Value Amount % Direct % Indirect Type
CHIKAROLO CHIKAROLO 0650.572.763 Shareholder

ACFS has participations in

Participations in Value Amount % Direct % Indirect Type
No data available