0467.055.889 - 3140 Keerbergen

People administring BEE INSPIRED

Name Role / Mandate Year
Goedele Luyts Bestuurder 2021, 2020
Goedele Luyts Zaakvoerder 2019
Kris Vansanten Bestuurder 2021, 2020
Kris Vansanten Zaakvoerder 2019, 2018, 2017

Companies administring BEE INSPIRED

Name Enterprise # Role Year

Companies that are administered by BEE INSPIRED

Name Enterprise # Role Year
QUANTEUS GROUP 0882.672.878 Zaakvoerder 2020,2017,2019,2018,2021,2018
The House of Marketing 0550.927.237 Bestuurder 2018,2017,2019,2018,2020
Sisyphus 0474.438.480 Gedelegeerd bestuurder 2017

Companies holding participations in BEE INSPIRED

Participations in Value Amount % Direct % Indirect Type
No data available

BEE INSPIRED has participations in

Participations in Value Amount % Direct % Indirect Type
No data available