Fosbury and Sons BXL Alfons Actief
0715.682.925 - 8500 Kortrijk

People administring Fosbury and Sons BXL Alfons

Name Role / Mandate Year
Jaap Rosen Jacobson Bestuurder 2020
Maarten Van Gool Bestuurder 2020
Ronald Van den Ecker Vertegenwoordiger 2020
Serge Hannecart Gedelegeerd bestuurder 2020
Stijn Geeraets Bestuurder 2020

Companies administring Fosbury and Sons BXL Alfons

Name Enterprise # Role Year
Ernst & Young Bedrijfsrevisoren BV 0446.334.711 Commissaris 2020

Companies that are administered by Fosbury and Sons BXL Alfons

Name Enterprise # Role Year
No data available

Companies holding participations in Fosbury and Sons BXL Alfons

Participations in Value Amount % Direct % Indirect Type
FOSBURY'S MOM FOSBURY'S MOM 0686.849.773 Shareholder
DADDY FOSBURY DADDY FOSBURY 0689.543.603 Shareholder

Fosbury and Sons BXL Alfons has participations in

Participations in Value Amount % Direct % Indirect Type
No data available