iO Group Actief
0712.677.311 - 2200 Herentals

People administring iO Group

Name Role / Mandate Year
Cedric Van Cauwenberghe Vertegenwoordiger 2021
Peter Van Den Eynde Vertegenwoordiger 2021
Pieter Janssens Vertegenwoordiger 2021
Sam Daems Bestuurder 2021
Tom Van Mierlo Vertegenwoordiger 2021

Companies administring iO Group

Name Enterprise # Role Year
Pieter Janssens BV 0837.743.369 Bestuurder 2021
PricewaterhouseCoopers Bedrijfsrevisoren 0429.501.944 Commissaris 2021
Tom Van Mierlo BV 0826.502.752 Bestuurder 2021
WPEF VI Holdco VII BE B.V. 0682.680.753 Bestuurder 2021

Companies that are administered by iO Group

Name Enterprise # Role Year
iO Benelux 0646.826.187 Bestuurder 2020,2019

Companies holding participations in iO Group

Participations in Value Amount % Direct % Indirect Type
No data available

iO Group has participations in

Participations in Value Amount % Direct % Indirect Type
No data available