JD & D Actief
0866.658.574 - 1640 Sint-Genesius-Rode

People administring JD & D

Name Role / Mandate Year
Francis De Decker Gedelegeerd bestuurder 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017
Jean-Pierre Dhont Gedelegeerd bestuurder 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017
Yves De Decker Gedelegeerd bestuurder 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017

Companies administring JD & D

Name Enterprise # Role Year

Companies that are administered by JD & D

Name Enterprise # Role Year
IDDK 0866.659.069 Bestuurder 2021
JB DE DECKER 0866.659.465 Bestuurder 2021
The Bathroom ManuFactory 0817.568.557 Bestuurder 2021

Companies holding participations in JD & D

Participations in Value Amount % Direct % Indirect Type
FRALCO FRALCO 0450.636.264 Shareholder
F2D F2D 0885.848.243 Shareholder

JD & D has participations in

Participations in Value Amount % Direct % Indirect Type
No data available