0432.169.543 - 2170 Antwerpen

People administring MARLIND VERPAKKINGEN

Name Role / Mandate Year
Florent BELIËN Gedelegeerd bestuurder 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017
Frank BELIËN Bestuurder 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017
Rudi GHYS Bestuurder 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017

Companies administring MARLIND VERPAKKINGEN

Name Enterprise # Role Year

Companies that are administered by MARLIND VERPAKKINGEN

Name Enterprise # Role Year
ANTWERP PACKAGING and LOGISTICS 0881.776.916 Bestuurder 2020,2017,2019,2018
B.K.S.I. PACKING 0440.976.846 Gedelegeerd bestuurder 2017,2020,2019,2019,2018,2021

Companies holding participations in MARLIND VERPAKKINGEN

Participations in Value Amount % Direct % Indirect Type
No data available

MARLIND VERPAKKINGEN has participations in

Participations in Value Amount % Direct % Indirect Type
No data available