0426.693.201 - 9830 Sint-Martens-Latem

People administring PAVELL

Name Role / Mandate Year
Elke De Bie Zaakvoerder 2017
Jean Marie Cannie Zaakvoerder 2018, 2017
Jean-Marie Cannie Bestuurder 2021, 2020
Jean-Marie Cannie Zaakvoerder 2019
Jean-Philip Cannie Zaakvoerder 2018

Companies administring PAVELL

Name Enterprise # Role Year

Companies that are administered by PAVELL

Name Enterprise # Role Year
WPEF VI Holdco VII BE 0682.683.921 Bestuurder 2022,2021
IMAGE LINE 0452.440.860 Gedelegeerd bestuurder 2020
WPEF VI Holdco VII BE 0682.683.921 Gedelegeerd bestuurder 2019
IMAGE LINE 0452.440.860 Zaakvoerder 2019,2018

Companies holding participations in PAVELL

Participations in Value Amount % Direct % Indirect Type
No data available

PAVELL has participations in

Participations in Value Amount % Direct % Indirect Type
No data available