0844.970.265 - 5060 Sambreville

THE KIDS CHOICE State gazette publications

12/09/2022 Statuts (traduction, coordination, autres modifications, …) - modification forme juridique - denomination - objet
05/04/2012 Rubrique constitution (nouvelle personne morale, ouverture succursale, etc...)

THE KIDS CHOICE Annual account download as Excel file

31/03/2017 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 30.09.2016, APP 17.03.2017, DPT 21.03.2017 17072-0054-010
06/04/2016 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 30.09.2015, APP 18.03.2016, DPT 31.03.2016 16089-0358-009
03/04/2015 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 30.09.2014, APP 20.03.2015, DPT 26.03.2015 15079-0433-009
28/03/2014 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 30.09.2013, APP 21.03.2014, DPT 25.03.2014 14073-0064-009