0479.454.766 - 1040 Etterbeek

THE RAID AGENCY State gazette publications

03/01/2024 Statuts (traduction, coordination, autres modifications, …) - modification forme juridique - assemblee generale
05/09/2022 Siege social - demissions, nominations
31/01/2022 Demissions, nominations
01/08/2008 Denomination - siege social - objet - statuts (traduction, coordination, autres modifications, …) - modification forme juridique
30/03/2007 Maatschappelijke zetel - ontslagen - benoemingen
10/02/2003 Rubriek oprichting (nieuwe rechtspersoon, opening bijkantoor, enz...)

THE RAID AGENCY Annual account download as Excel file

03/08/2016 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2015, APP 16.05.2016, DPT 28.07.2016 16372-0580-014
02/10/2015 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2014, APP 18.05.2015, DPT 29.09.2015 15616-0155-013
30/09/2014 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2013, APP 19.05.2014, DPT 25.09.2014 14600-0536-015
26/09/2013 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2012, APP 21.05.2013, DPT 20.09.2013 13589-0280-014
03/10/2012 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2011, APP 21.05.2012, DPT 28.09.2012 12592-0067-014
13/10/2011 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2010, APP 16.05.2011, DPT 07.10.2011 11576-0328-014
09/09/2010 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2009, APP 17.05.2010, DPT 31.08.2010 10527-0151-013
04/09/2009 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2008, APP 18.05.2009, DPT 31.08.2009 09709-0367-013
25/09/2008 ME. - COMPTES ANNUELS 31.12.2007, APP 19.05.2008, DPT 16.09.2008 08734-0223-014
05/09/2007 ME. - JAARREKENING 31.12.2006, GGK 27.07.2007, NGL 31.08.2007 07682-0368-015
06/10/2006 ME. - JAARREKENING 31.12.2005, GGK 24.08.2006, NGL 29.09.2006 06805-0136-015
04/10/2005 ME. - JAARREKENING 31.12.2004, GGK 16.05.2005, NGL 28.09.2005 05716-0177-013
04/10/2005 ME. - JAARREKENING 31.12.2003, GGK 17.05.2004, NGL 28.09.2005 05716-0176-012